Getting the right AdSense keyword is the most important part of Google AdSense site development if your ultimate goal is to drive targeted search engine traffic to your site. Good AdSense keyword selections are the basis on which your search engine traffic will come from. This is how you should do your AdSense keyword research.
Seek help from forums:
Forums are good places where you find the right answer for your questions.
Expand Your AdSense Keyword:
Once you get some keywords, you can expand your AdSense keyword into a list of AdSense key phrase. You can use keyword suggestion tools to help you on this. Here is list of keyword suggestion tools:
- Digitalpoint Keyword Suggestion Tool ( - free keyword research tool that will show you the results of your query from both Wordtracker and Overture for determining which phrases are searched most often.
- Wordtracker ( - online keyword research toll with free trial version
- Overtune Keyword Suggestion Tool ( - Free online tool
Choose the Right AdSense Keyword or Key Phrases to Start With:
You have now built a list of keywords and key phrases for your AdSense site. How many AdSense keywords or key phrases should you start with? Or which AdSense keywords or AdSense key phrases are right for? You can start with five to ten AdSense keywords or key phrases. It is much easier to achieve high search engine position for the less popular terms than those very popular search terms as the competition for the less popular terms is lesser. You should get good result from the less search for terms and perhaps it is a good idea that you start with them first. (Source:
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
How Do You Research Your AdSense Keyword
10:08 PM
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
You Will Lose A Big Portion of Your AdSense Earnings If You Don't Do This
You are working hard creating good and quality content for your Google AdSense web site. You carefully plan a good link building strategy for your Google AdSense web site. You distribute your articles through article distribution channels regularly. You submit your Google AdSense web site to web directories and you've done basic search engine optimization on all of your AdSense pages. You work extremely hard to get as much traffic as possible to your Google AdSense web site.
One day, you receive an email from a webmaster who owns a huge mailing list informing you that your site will be featured in his newsletter. You are happy that someone likes your Google AdSense web site and he will promote your web site for free. You start receiving huge amount of referral traffic from his newsletter. Instead of getting 2000 hits per day, you are getting 200,000 hits per day now. This sudden traffic surge boosts the number of clicks on your Google AdSense ads. Your Google AdSense earning is increased by a few folds.
Before you know it, you receive an email from Google saying that your account is suspended due to "invalid clicks". You didn't click on your Google AdSense ad intentionally or accidentally. Everything you did so far does not violate the Google AdSense terms and conditions. You could not figure what went wrong and why your Google AdSense account is suspended.
Sudden Jump in Google Earnings Triggers Red Flag
The sudden jump in your Google earnings has alerted the Google AdSense team and the result is the suspension of your Google AdSense account. In fact, this happened to a dozen of Internet Marketers. However they managed to get their Google AdSense account fully reinstate using the right strategy.
If your AdSense account is suspended because of the sudden jump in your Google AdSense earnings, you should stay calm and plan the right strategy before you talk to Google. You should be patient when dealing with Google. You should be polite when communicate with them and take initiative to provide them with all the documents they may need. You should not argue with them why they've suspended your account unfairly. After all, your main purpose is to get your Google AdSense Account reinstated.
Jason has written General Guideline for AdSense Reinstatement. This is a detail guideline on how to get your Google AdSense account reinstated if you have not violated Google AdSense terms and conditions. He also provides a few examples of correspondence he was using to get his account reinstated.
In conclusion, to avoid any disruption to your Google AdSense business, it may be a good idea to alert Google AdSense team about the possible surge of traffic that your Google AdSense web site may receive. (Source:
6:22 AM
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Google AdSense Account Terminated - What Should You Do?
Once you have decided to take your marketing campaign to Google's AdSense pay per click program, you agree to a number of rules including:
- No hidden pages. You must have a clear hierarchy and each page needs at least one link to get there.
- No broken links. If you link outside of your site, make sure you check your links often. No more than 100 links per page.
- When designing your site, create one that is helpful to a user; don't design a page for search engines. Make sure you clearly define what your site is about.
- Your TITLE and ALT tags should be precise and descriptive.
- You need a site map to help users find what they are looking for if your menu doesn't.
- No hidden text.
- No redirection of your site
Even if you follow all these design rules, you may still be at risk of losing your AdSense advertiser account or have temporarily been fined a penalty in the form of your ads being removed from rotation on other sites. The penalty may go away with time, but it's best to double and triple check your site then file a re-inclusion request (instructions below.) Include in your request which changes you've made and that it won't happen again.
Your competitors might have a plan that could get you banned. It's called "click bombing" and it's against Google's policy.
Click bombing happens when someone, be it a competitor or not, repeatedly clicks the pay per click ad for a business in order to raise flags with Google. Google rates their ads based on relevance, so the more an ad is clicked, the more relevant it becomes, and the higher up the list it moves. This has made it very easy for business owners to move themselves up the relevance list, so Google countered this practice by red flagging any business that has a significant spike in AdSense hits. If the hits all trace back to the same IP address or addresses, the advertiser is removed for "invalid clicks".
Finding out about this strength in Google's search engine, sneaky competitors have started to exploit it by purposely clicking the competitions ad again and again, in order to ban the ad.
If this has happened to you, or if you've been banned for violation of any of the design or technological terms of your contract, you can sometimes have it overturned by contacting customer support. You can contact Google support by visiting Make sure you type "Re-inclusion Request" in the subject of the email. Keep your request simple, short and to the point. No need to threaten Google that you'll stop advertising with them or list how long you've been a customer.
It is imperative, though, that you run reports frequently and store the data outside of your Google account. This will help prove to Google that a click bombing happened should you be removed. You are not guaranteed a reversal, however. In fact, most pleas to Google to have a banned account go unheard.
If you don't get a positive response from Google, you may want to check out some of the other pay per click programs, like Yahoo! Publisher Network or the many affiliate programs online. (Source:
1:48 AM
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Monday, February 12, 2007
Tracking Your AdSense Performance
Google AdSense is a program that offers an easy way for web publishers to display ads relevant to their site on their pages and earn money. It also offers pay per impression, or pay per click advertising, options to businesses who want to get the word out about their product or service to interested customers. Once you start your AdSense account don’t forget about it and wait for money to start rolling in. There is still work to be done.
Since you will only make money from click-throughs on your site, you’ll need traffic - and the more traffic, the more money you’ll make. Here are some tips for getting the most from your AdSense dedicated space and for driving up traffic:
- Location, location, location. Position your AdSense ads at the top of your page or near the focal point of your pages
- Offer freebies or unique content. Free stuff is a big draw to visitors and more visitors equal more click throughs, which turns into more money in your wallet
- Rotate content often and let your visitors know it’s always changing. It keeps them coming back for more.
- Keep those email addresses. It’s important to keep the email addresses of your visitors and let them know when your content has changed. Consider offering a free newsletter or ezine to your visitors to stay in contact with them.
- Add Google search to your site. In addition to offering visitors the convenience of searching on your site, you can make more money from Google by adding this feature.
- Keep your graphics small and simple. Because graphics and animations take longer to load than text and links, the simpler your pages, the quicker they load. And the faster they load, the faster your visitors can click their way to your profit.
- Keep the design simple and clear.
Reporting and monitoring is the next important step. Google has built in reporting features but you may want more detailed reports as well. The Google reports will show:
- Total number of page impressions
- Number of ad clicks and the click through rate
- The cost per click (CPC) and cost per 1000 impressions (CPM)
- Total earnings
While this is wonderful, valuable information, you may also want to know:
- Click through rates of every page on every domain you are using AdSense on (the Google tool called “Channels” limits the information you get from each domain or ad type)
- Keyword reports if you have the Google Search feature on your site(s), so you can optimize for those search words
- Reporting in real time, rather than waiting 48 hours for reporting from Google
- Which particular ads are making you money
- Detailed information about each click including IP address, date/time, page the ad was on, particular ad that was clicked on, original referrer to your site
You can get all of this from third party AdSense tracking software, available online from a number of vendors. You may want to email Google to make sure it’s an approved script; otherwise you risk being removed from the AdSense program.
Once you have the data regarding which ads are working and which aren’t, change your preferences to stop running ads that aren’t paying off and increase the ads that are. There are options to change color palettes of the ads to better fit your site, a variety of ad formats to always keep your website looking fresh and don’t be afraid to rearrange content often. (Source: PPCdollar)
10:06 PM
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