Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Spedia - Old Pay to Surf Program

Some of you maybe ever heard Spedia - Pay to Surf program. It's old program and now the website still exist. I try to login with my username that registered with them some years ago and it fails. I don't know if the program still pay their member or not.

You can get money by install bar software from Spedia and reffered member. Every member that you referer you get 10% of their earning. The software indicator must be in green if you earn money and it's dificult for me. Every 10-15 minutes the indicator become yellow allthough I surf their ads. The color indicator will be green after 10 - 15 minutes indeed I must restart the program.

However on 2001 this is one of best Pay to Surf program.


Anonymous said...

How secure is that you will get paid just by doing that? Did they ever paid to you?