Now, Google Adsense offer Western Union for payment. You can withdraw funds from Western Union a day after your payment date. So you don't need wait for 2-3 weeks for the payment. Your Western Union Quick Cash payment will be made in US dollars. However, at most Western Union agents, you may be able to pick up your payment in your local currency.
This is very usefull for people who live outside USA. But until now payment by Western Union is currently available in the following countries and areas:
* China (Mainland)
* Malaysia
* Pakistan
* Romania
* Philippines
* Argentina
* Chile
* Peru
* Colombia
Someday we hope my country will be include for Western Union.
You can find this information here
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Get your Payment from Western Union
8:19 PM
Posted by
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Ask Google Adsense If You Have Some Problem
You want put Adsense on your site but you afriad if your site againts TOS, You see something strange on your Adsense, or you're wondering about something. So would should I do? You can ask people on Adsense forum about your problem and wait the answer if people know the answer. If not so you will not get the answer.
The best solution is ask Google about your problem. There are two email addresses to use, depending on the type of question:
If you have techical questions or concerns:
If you have general question or something about your account:
They'll respond for your problem within a working day. So don't be afraid to ask Google if you have problem with Adsense
2:00 AM
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Adsense for Mobile
Great news for you who have site for mobile. Now you can put Adsense Unit on your mobile site. With this feature you can earn more income with Adsense from not just from website but mobile site too.
Here is the article Google AdSense for Mobile unlocks the potential of the mobile advertising market
To get started:
1) Sign in to your account.
2) Select the AdSense Setup tab and click on AdSense for mobile.
3) Follow the instructions to customize your ad unit for AdSense for mobile.
12:44 AM
Posted by
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Google Adsense Beetwen Posts
Good news for blogger that have blog on blogspot. Now you can insert Google ads between your blog posts. Get the tutorial at the AdSense blog’s post on Getting inline.
Some of blooger maybe will be happy with this feature!
8:18 PM
Posted by
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Alternate Ads
If you familiar with Adsense, you must know about Alternate Ads. Alternate ads allow you to utilize your ad space in the event that Google is unable to serve targeted ads to your page. By default, Google shows public service ads (PSAs) if no targeted ads are available.
You can create html code and make ads like Adsense but you can decide what ads will be show. Or you can html code for image and the link as destination if people click the link. Then save the html page on dan upload into your domain server. You must put the address where you upload the html page into Adsense code.
You can find how to insert Alternate Ads when you create Adsense code for your site. There is an option call Alternate Ads on More options Menu. You can choose which one you one to choose
* Show public service ads
* Show non-Google ads from another URL
* Fill space with a solid color
If you choose Show public service ads, Google will show you public service ads (PSA) which is not give you money when people click it. If you choose option three you will ask what color you want to use. And on the website if Google is unable to serve targeted ads, Google will show the color that you choice.
So the best choice is option two or Show non-Google ads from another URL
It's doesn't metter if you have domain hosting. But how if you don't have domain hosting? How you can do that if you just have blog like me? :)
The answer is using Alternate Ads service form internet.
One of them is Default Ads. You just need to register and create html page as you want. Get the code and put the url into Google Alternate Ads.
You can also categories your ads and make it show like Adsense Format
It's simple.
6:45 AM
Posted by
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Insert Adsense on Wordpress
It's easy to insert adsense code on blogger. Yeah it's so easy because now Google is the owner of blogger or blogspot. But how if you using Wordpress. It's so difficult to insert adsense code on Wordpress template. Maybe you can do that, but I'm sure you should have experience about coding.
So should I move my blog into blogger in order can show adsense code into my blog? Not necessary, you can use Adsense plugin and instal it into your Wordpress. With the plugin you can put adsense on every where place you like it.
For me I like use Wordpress with plugin to put Adsense than use blogger. Because you can put Adsense code every where you like it. You can put on header, sidebar, footer, and of course on your posting. Blogger can't do that. Blogger just can put adsense on the template not the posting.
But I still choose blogspot because Google own it and I love all tool from Google.
Now, what are plugin you can use with your Wordpress. Below some list of plugins. You can read how to install the plugin on their site.
Adsense Plugin for Wordpress
* Adsense Inline
Inserts Google adsense in blog posts
* Adsense Deluxe
Offers advanced options for managing the automatic insertion of Google AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) ads to your WordPress posts. Adsense Deluxe+ claims to have a an improved ad limiting algorithm.
* Adsense Manager
AdSense Manager is a Wordpress plugin for managing AdSense ads on your blog. It generates code automatically and allows positioning with Widgets.
Adsense Injection
Simple Wordpress plugin that just inserted Adsense code randomly into a pre-existing blog
7:21 AM
Posted by
How to Delete 'nofollow' Attribute to increase Page Rank
You can read about why you should remove 'nofollow' attribute here
After remove 'nofollow' attribute you can join Do Follow blog and start to increase your Page Rank, and also your Adsense earning.
So how do I remove 'nofollow' attribute? Below some tutorial how to do that?
How to Delete 'nofollow' Attribute on Blogger
1. To do this, login into your blogger. Usually you will bring to Dashboard after login.
2. Choose your blog and click "Layout"
3. Click "Edit Html" subtab og the "Template" tab
4. Before remove remove 'nofollow' attribute, please backup you template by clicking Download Full Template and save your template. You can use it if you get error when make modification of your template.
5. Check "Expand Widgets" checkbos at at the top of the Edit Template text box. This expands the Blog Posts Widget Code within which is the comments code.
6. Scroll down the template and find
<dl id='comments-block'>
<b:loop values='data:post.comments' var='comment'>
<dt class='comment-author'expr:id='"comment-" +'>
<a expr:name='"comment-"'/>
<b:if cond='data:comment.authorUrl'>
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><></a>
7. Detele the bold code rel="nofollow" and save the template.
How to Delete 'nofollow' Attribute on Word Press
You need install plugin to your Wordpress blog. This is the same auction with showing Adsense on your wordpress. Remember you can't put Adsense without plugin.
Below some plugin to delete 'nofollow' attribute on word press
* Do Follow
* DoFollow
* Remove Nofollow
* Link Love Plugin
You can read how to install plugin on that site.
How to Delete 'nofollow' Attribute on Blogsome
1. Change your comment author url using following code:
<a href="{comment_author_url}">{comment_author}</a>
2. Change your comment text using following code:
3. Test it by search 'nofollow' in your every blog page source. If you have not found any nofollow attribute, then you pass :)
If you have any suggestion how to remove 'nofollow' attribute on other blog please tell me.
3:36 AM
Posted by
"Do Follow" to increase your Page Rank
My friend told me about "Do Follow" with blogs. I means he leave comment on other blog and put his url and other people also put comment and url on his blog. Every time another site enjoys your article, there is a chance they will copy and paste it to their own blog, leaving a linkback (or trackback) URL to your page so that the readers know where it came from. In simple sentence I can describe this with "If you put your comment on my blog I will put my comment on your blog too"
And guess what, you now have incoming link from another site. Your PR will increase too because when Google index the blog, Google will find your the url of blog too. You can get higher position on Google search. The advantage this tips can be increased your Adsense earning because many people will visit your blog
Maybe you think it's so simple, but actually you must change some script on your blog tempalate. Why? Because blog usually put 'nofollow' attribute on comment script. This is done to discourage comment spam. Search engine will not index website that have nofollow attribute on the link script. But you can edit it on customization template of your blog.
You can read about how to remove 'nofollow' attribute on your blog here
After that you can ask some blogger to join "Do Follow" with your blog and make sure that the blog remove 'nofollow' on comment script. Put your comment and blog url into their blog, and hoping that they forget to add their comment into your blog :)
3:33 AM
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Thursday, July 26, 2007
Adsense Earnings RSS Feed
This is a rather simple script that will create an RSS feed with your daily Adsense earnings, making it easy to track them via your regular feed reader.
Click here to visit Adsense Earnings RSS Feed site
2:55 AM
Posted by
Top 10 Ways to Get Awesome Web Traffic Using Blogs
Like many important people before you - perhaps you've underestimated the power of blogging. Blogs can be used, not only as the single easiest way to get a listing in the search engine for your desired keywords, but also serve the fantastic purpose if building a relationship with your quickly growing list of readers, listeners and viewers.
After a light lunch today, I was left in the greatest mood. So I figured I would sit down and share with you 10 ways you can share my success and popularity using blogs.
1. Use a keyword specific blog title and description. When creating your blog, I just used the free service you're asked to title or name your blog and give a short description. Take this chance to think a little.
Ask yourself:
a) Who do you want to read your blog?
b) What is your interest or topic - what will you enjoy writing about?
If you have a poetry blog for example - use the word poet or poetry in your title and description. You can research the popularity of your keywords use Overture's free tool here:
2. Try to update often (short daily entries work great) using hand written or bot generated keyword rich informative content. Give your visitors something they want to read. I love to write so I create all my original posts, but if you have a site that needs traffic or a topic that you don't know much about you can set up an automatically updating feed using other people's blog posts, or articles. Each entry is seen as its own html page, so the engines see your blog as a multi-paged site, that is updated regularly and rich in links and keywords.
3. Create an interesting profile. Searchers and fellow bloggers love the fact you're a real person, this helps to build personal relationships. Again, put a little time and effort into this one. Tons of people peek at your profile, and keeps track of all your views, so open up and share a little. Everything on your profile page is taken as a searchable keyword. Things like: what you like to do, your favorite movies and music, etc. Each one will get you listed under that topic in the directory.
4. One way to jump right in and get visitors and feedback immediately is by posting to similar blogs and linking back to your blog. Say you have a poetry blog: you can use Blogger's search tool and your keyword - in this case "poetry" or "poet." (Another way to get a quick high listing is to search Google for example "poetry blog.")
You can post a comment on their blog, just a short personal remark will do. Keep it polite, no one wants to hear negative criticism. Blogs are more personal than chartrooms or forums, and often contain personal views and opinions of the author, so don't go stepping on toes. The point is to make contact, build relationships, and exchange links. More links to your blog equals more free targeted traffic for you.
5. RSS is your friend! Create an RSS feed, by hand or using Feedburner. This gives your readers the option to subscribe to your blog with just a click. What this means to you is 100% deliverability of all the content you write by the readers request - your posts are sent directly to your subscribers via their RSS reader otherwise known as an aggregator. They are personally notified every time you post to your blog. And best of all, no spam complaints ever, and they get every update you make - no blockers or filters. Total word freedom!
6. Spread your feed by submitting to RSS directories. This is a one time deal, and you can either search and do it manually or use the tool I used: RSS Automator (it finds and submits to tons of different directories for you).
Only submit each blog once. This is a lasting deal that could mess up your good standing if you do it multiple times. So to be sure you get a listing, only submit to directories once. (This is not the same thing as pinging; you can ping every time you update your blog.)
7. Ping your blog every time you update using pinging services like and This lets the directories know you have updated and added a new post to your blog.
8. Create a personalized or branded RSS reader/aggregator. Talk about top of mind awareness. You don't have to be a programming genius for this one (though it helps.) There are a couple services that for a small one time fee will customize a reader for you, with your logo, header and graphics, and preload it with any media you want. So with this you're sure to be seen and remembered every day. Check out one of the best services here:
9. People love to read you, but hearing you is even better. Give Podcasting a try - there are tons of ways to get started here. I would personally recommend for all your Podcasting needs. It uploads, stores, hosts, and sets up the RSS and pings for you. Like Podcasting for dummies. Then just submit your podcast to different directories and readers like Apple iTunes, and
10. Radio is great but now you can create a following by imitating the idiot box. Give your subscribers another way to obsess using Video-meets-Blogging or "The Vlog." This is a medium that is far from saturated. The possibilities are endless, and you're only limited to what you limit yourself. Though it has not been promoted too widely, the new Apple iTunes Podcasting feature supports Vlog subscriptions as well.
By: Jason and Skye Mangrum
2:52 AM
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How to Promote you Blog
You need to promote your blog in order to get traffic for your blog. If you get more traffic you will get more click on your Adsense and of course you will earn money. So there are something that you need to do to promote your blog.
1. Promote on newspaper.
2. Promote mouth by mouth. Tell your friend about your blog
3. Submit your blog into search engine. Do not waste your time to submit into many search engine. Just submit into major search engine like Google, Yahoo, and Live Search
4. Submit into blog directory, web directory, or RSS Directories as possible.
5. Use forums to put your signature, it will help your website to get some traffic from.
6. Trade links with other sites that are relevant to your website or add a link directory for this purpose. Programs such as Zeus and Axandra might help you.
7. Leave your thoughts and comments on other blogs with your blog url listed in the signature. But make sure that your comments are relevant to the topic and the topics are relevant to your blog.
8. Ping it, every time you make a post. Use Use some services such as ping O Matic
12:35 AM
Posted by
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Adsense Discussion
* Inside AdSense blog - Official blog that posts new tips and information about new AdSense features.
Google Groups
* Adsense Help - Google group for adsense support. Only posts from user AdSensePro are approved by Google.
Google Adsense Forums
* Adsense Chat - Read Adsense News, Adsense Article, review user site, adsense toolbox, and discuss everything about Google Adsense.
* Adsense ID - Google Adsense Forum for Indonesian People.
* Digital Point Adsense Forum - Discusses Adsense payments, guidelines, stats and reporting and much more.
* Google Community - Talk about Google Adsense on Google Community.
* Rave Now - Discuss Google Adsense with Rave Now community.
* Site Point - Forum for Google Adsense from Site Point.
* Webmaster Talk - Discuss all about Google Adsense.
* Webmaster World Adsense Forum - Discussions around Google AdSense.
9:07 PM
Posted by
Six AdSense optimization tips for forums
Google Adsense Blog give show you how to optimize your forum with Google Adsense
1. Format is important for multiple ad units
Placing a skyscraper above the fold on the left side of your forum seems to produce slightly better performance than other positioning. However, when using multiple ad units throughout the page our horizontal bias still favors the leaderboard. See the Forum Heat Map below for more details.
2. Display your ad units where repeat users will notice them
A leaderboard at the very top fits nicely next to the logo, but forum regulars tend to skip the header and go straight to the meat of the thread. Placing your ad unit above or below the first post can be more effective.
3. Place a leaderboard immediately after the last post
This provides users who make it to the end of a thread with a ‘next step’ when the content ends. If you place it after the footer, though, folks will move to the next thread before they even see the ad!
4. Use horizontal link units
Link units offer a wider range of relevant topics for users to browse. A horizontal unit can be placed near the top of your forum just below the header.
5. Opt-in to image ads
Supporting image ads increases the pool of ads –particularly cost-per-thousand-impression (CPM) ads – bidding to display on your site. Since forums tend to have lower click-through rates (CTRs) than other types of sites, CPM ads can improve revenue without the need for clicks. Please remember, however, that CPM ads come in both text and image formats.
6. Be sensitive to your forum community
Forums are highly interactive, so be sensitive to your users when implementing your AdSense ads. Be sure to blend the ads nicely, so they don’t appear overly intrusive – but don’t blend them so well they mislead your users! Every forum site is different and you know your community best, so as always use your own judgment to create the most positive experience for your users.
8:28 PM
Posted by
How to Track your Adsense
You can track or analyze your Adsense using AdSenseLog. AdsenseLog will help you to improve your AdSense ad performance, using several monitoring, tracking and analyzing tools, all built into one easy to use software.
Automatic monitoring of your data. The check can be performed in any interval you want (e.g. every 10 minutes). AdSenseLog will alert you (With a sound, a pop-up window, e-mail or an SMS message) only when new data is available.
Track your data - extensive statistics: impressions, clicks, revenue, clickthrough, CPM and EPC. Daily, Weekly or Monthly views. Daily averages, best channels and many more options.
Analyze your data - let AdSenseLog analyze all the numbers, and provide you with the important messages - which channels need your attention now? what is the situation of your web site? How did my CTR behave after I made that change to the ad position?
Graph your data - Display many types of graphs, about every kind of statistics available, for your Content, Search, Referral and channel data.
Maximize your profit - Using the above mentioned tools, you'll be able to maximize your AdSense profits. Find your site's strengths and weaknesses, quickly identify trends and tune up your site. Watch your revenues climb!
AdSenseLog is safe to install. Your data and information is kept in your computer, locally, and never sent to Metalgrass software (or any other place). Check out our privacy statement.
Click here to visit AdSenseLog Website
7:53 PM
Posted by
SysSense - Personal dDesktop Google AdSense Monitor
SysSense is your personal desktop Google AdSense monitor. It keeps your current Google AdSense information in the Windows system tray. You can monitor an unlimited number of Google AdSense accounts. A sound and/or system tray icon balloon can be configured to alert you when your statistics have changed.
Click here to download SysSense
7:53 AM
Posted by
Adsense Preview
The Adsense Preview Tool lets you preview the Google ads that may show on any web page using Firefox browser. With just a few clicks, you can see what ads may appear on your new web pages, or make an educated decision on whether to add AdSense to your existing site pages. The Adsense Preview Tool is installed in the main toolbar menu.
Remember this tool is for Firefox only. For Internet Explorer use the Official Google Adsense Preview Tool for Internet Explorer
Click here to install Adsense Preview
7:40 AM
Posted by
Adsense Notifier for Firefox
Adsense Notifier is a tool to display Adsense stats on your Firefox browser. You can see your Adsense earnings on the Firefox status bar when you use the browser. So you will not login to Google Adsense website each time you want to see your earning. The results is automatically update.
To use this tools you must install the extension first. After that restart you Firefox and submit your data into this application.
Click here to visit Adsense Notifier
7:27 AM
Posted by
Google Adsense Sandbox Tool
Google Adsense has been the major earning source for many webmasters but one thing Google has always been criticised is that it does not allow the webmasters to know what ads are being displayed on their forum. The problem solved to some extent with Google releasing Google Adsense Preview Tool. But this preview tool was not sufficient for webmaster as its utility was limited. Now a new tool is developed by Amit Aggarwal of Labnol that is far better than the Google Adsense Preview Tool. It has been named as Google Adsense Sandbox Tool v 1.0 which work for all browsers unlike Adsense preview tool which can be used only for IE.
Google Adsense Sandbox Tool v 1.0 give you two options for adsense preview
1. Keywords: You just type in the keywords for which you want to preview Google Adsense in the "Type URL or Keywords" box and click the submit button.
2. URL: This is one of the major tool that Adsense Sandbox has. It allows you to preview all the adsense ads coming on a website whose URL is provided by you in the "Type URL or Keywords" box.
One of the main feature that I liked about Adsense sandbox is that it allows you to view all the ads that are being displayed on your website based on the Ad format such as 728 x 90, 250 x 250 etc. So that you can know what are the ads that will be displayed on choosing a particular ads format.
The other feature of Adsense Sandbox that Google Adsense Preview Tool also have is the geotargetted adsense preview tool. You can set the country in the adsense sandbox tool you wish the result should display. You can also set it to "Auto" which I think sets the country automatically according to your IP address.
One more important thing at the last which I know you might be thinking of. Will the advertisers be charged of this. The answer is Absolutely No. The Adsense Sandbox tool works by taking a random publisher ID so you will not get any earnings from viewing these ads just as in Adsense Preview Tool.
I think this tool could be a revolutionary tool in Adsense as it allows webmasters to have a more detailed looks on the ads being served by Google on their blog. Finally, my heartiest thanks to Amit Aggarwal who provided us with such a great tool.
See Google Adsense Sandbox
3:12 AM
Posted by
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Do Follow Blogger
I join Do Follow Blogger Movement from Tricia. Here are list of blog that have remove nofollow comment.
You can read about Do Follow Blogger here or how to delete No Follow here
12:49 AM
Posted by
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Using Other Peoples Info To Increase Your Adsense Cash
The following article includes pertinent information that may cause you to reconsider what you thought you understood. The most important thing is to study with an open mind and be willing to revise your understanding if necessary.
If you find yourself confused by what you've read to this point, don't despair. Everything should be crystal clear by the time you finish.
Adsense, Adwords, Google Information Marketing:-Adsense is really making a huge impact on the affiliate marketing industry nowadays. Because of this, weak affiliate merchants have the tendency to die faster than ever and ad networks will be going to lose their customers quickly.
If you are in a losing rather than winning in the affiliate program you are currently into, maybe it is about time to consider going into the Adsense marketing and start earning some real cash.
Adsense, Adwords, Google Information Marketing:-Google is readily providing well written and highly relevant ads that are closely chosen to match the content on your pages. You do not have to look for them yourselves as the search engine will be the doing the searching for you from other people’s source.
You do not have to spend time in choosing different kind of ads for different pages. And no codes to mess around for different affiliate programs.
You will be able to concentrate on providing good and quality content, as the search engines will be the ones finding the best ads in which to put your pages on.
You are still allowed to add Adsense ads even if you already have affiliate links on your site. It is prohibited, however, to imitate the look and feel of the Google ads for your affiliate links.
You can filter up to 200 URLs. That gives you a chance to block ads for the sites that do not meet your guidelines. You can also block competitors. Though it is unavoidable that Adsense may be competing for some space on web sites that all other revenues are sharing.
Adsense, Adwords, Google Information Marketing:-Owners of small sites are allowed to plug a bit of a code into their sites and instantly have relevant text ads that appeal to your visitors appear instantly into your pages. If you own many sites, you only need to apply once. It makes up for having to apply to many affiliate programs.
The only way to know how much you are already earning is to try and see. If you want out, all you have to do is remove the code from your site.
The payment rates can vary extremely. The payment you will be receiving per click depends on how much advertisers are paying per click to advertise with the use of the AdWords. Advertisers can pay as little as 5 cents and as high as $10-12, sometimes even more than that too. You are earning a share of that money generated.
If your results remain stagnant, it can help if you try and build simple and uncluttered pages so that the ads can catch the visitor’s eyes more. It sometimes pay to differ from the usual things that people are doing already. It is also a refreshing sight for your visitor once they see something different for a change.
Adsense, Adwords, Google Information Marketing:-Publishers also have the option of choosing to have their ads displayed only on a certain site or sites. It is also allowed to have them displayed on a large network of sites. The choice would be depending on what you think will work best for your advantage.
To get an idea if some Adsense ads you see on the search engines has your pages, try to find web pages that have similar material to the content you are planning to create and look up their Adsense ads.
Adsense, Adwords, Google Information Marketing:-It is important to note that you cannot choose certain topics only. If you do this, search engines will not place Adsense ads on your site and you will be missing out a great opportunity in making hundreds and even thousands of dollars cash.
It is still wise to look at other people’s information and format your Adsense there. Just think about it as doing yourself a favor by not having to work too hard to know what content to have.
Adsense, Adwords, Google Information Marketing:-Topic to be avoided includes gambling, firearms, ammunition, tobacco or drugs. If you are being offered more cash in exchange of doing Adsense with these kinds, it is just like signing your own termination paper.
With all the information that people need in your hands already, all you have to do is turn them as your profits. It all boils down to a gain and gain situation both for the content site owners and the webmasters or publishers.
Make other people’s matter your own and starting earning some extra cash.
7:32 AM
Posted by
Can You Convert Words Into Money?
The only way to keep up with the latest about Adsense is to constantly stay on the lookout for new information. If you read everything you find about Adsense, it won't take long for you to become an influential authority.
Most of this information comes straight from the Adsense pros. Careful reading to the end virtually guarantees that you'll know what they know.
Google Adsense - The Easiest Money To Make Online?
For the last couple of months, Google Adsense has dominated forums, discussions and newsletters all over the Internet. Already, there are tales of fabulous riches to be made and millions made by those who are just working from home. It seems that Google Adsense have already dominated the internet marketing business and is now considered the easiest way to making money online.
The key to success with Adsense is the placing of ads on pages that are receiving high traffic for high demand keywords. The higher the cost-per-click to the advertiser, the more you will receive per click from your site. Obviously, it does not pay to target low cost-per-click keywords and place them on pages that do not receive hits.
With all the people getting online and clicking away everyday, it is no wonder why Google Adsense has become an instant hit.
For some who are just new to this market, it would be a blow to their pride knowing that their homepage is buried somewhere in the little ads promoting other people’s services. But then, when they get the idea that they are actually earning more money that way, all doubts and skepticism is laid to rest.
There are two major, and clever, factors that some successful webmaster and publishers are learning to blend together in order to make money easier using Adsense.
1. Targeting high traffic pages on your website. If you check on your logs, you will discover that many of your visitors are taking advantage of the free affiliate marketing resources and ebooks that you are offering on your site. In simple words, your ads are working effectively and are generating more clicks. It also means more money for you.
2. Placing Adsense links on pages that are producing little, or better yet, no profit. By placing Adsense on a free resources page, you will reduce the amount of potential customers being lost to other sites. Tricky, but effective nonetheless.
When learned to work effectively, these two factors are actually a good source of producing a minimal amount of revenue from a high traffic page. Many people are using this strategy to pick up some extra and cash with Adsense. This is also especially rewarding to informational sites that focus their efforts on delivering powerful affiliate link free content to their visitors. Now they can gain a monetary return on their services.
With the many techniques that people are now learning on how to make the easiest money by their Adsense, it is not surprising that Google is trying everything to update and polish their Adsense in order to maintain their good image.
The possibility of adding is 2nd tier in Adsense is not impossible. With all the people spending more time in their Adsense now and still more getting into this line of marketing, there is no doubt about the many new improvements yet to be made. Imagine the smiles on the faces of the webmasters and publishers all around the world if ever they sign up for sub-affiliates and double or even triple the amount that they are already earning.
The one particularly handy money-making feature that is available with Adsense now is the ability to filter out up to 200 urls. These gives webmasters the option to block out low value offers from their pages as well as competitors to their websites. Talk about taking only those that are advantageous and discarding the ones that seem “useless”.
With Google Adsense, the possibilities are limitless. Yet there is also the possibility of someone taking advantage of the easy money process that this internet marketing is doing. If you think more about it, these negative factors may force Google to break down and thrash Adsense in the process. If that happens, people would have to go back to the old ways of internet marketing that does not make money online as easy as Adsense.
For now, however, Google Adsense is here to stay. As long as there are people wanting to earn some easy cash online just using their talents, the future ahead is looking good. Besides with all the strict guidelines that Google is enforcing over Adsense, it will take awhile for the Adsense privileges to be spammed and even terminated.
7:25 AM
Posted by
Mom discovered 16 year old son with $70,000 earned from Adsense
This interesting article addresses some of the key issues regarding Adsense. A careful reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about Adsense.
If your Adsense facts are out-of-date, how will that affect your actions and decisions? Make certain you don't let important Adsense information slip by you.
Who Else Wants To Make Money With Adsense?
Fact number 1: Kids in high school are making thousands of dollars every month with Adsense.
Fact number 2: Housewives, retirees, mom and dads, who are just staying at home and have never made a dime on the internet have created full-time incomes by simply placing Adsense ads on their web site or blog.
These are just some of the “super Adsense earners”. You may have already heard about their story for they are among the few who are on their way to making millions worth of cash just by promoting Adsense sites.
Anyone, any age and gender can become money generating Adsense publishers as long as they what it takes. How does one go about this Internet advertising?
Writing articles for Adsense is the way to do it. Using the right keywords in your articles and having Google ads on a certain site has become the most profitable way of marketing that anybody can get into. No experience and level of education needed. If you are not using this strategy, or may not be aware of it in the first place, chances are you may be losing thousands of dollars worth of extra income and still do not know it yet.
This is one of the many reasons why writing original quality content articles is now the latest in marketing buzz. Content and links. When combined together becomes a really powerful tool to a successful web site and richer individuals. Many internet marketing professionals are already aware of the value of an original quality content and how using keywords can drive targeted traffic into their sites from the search engines.
So why don’t all these web site owners write and submit their own articles if that is what is important?
The simple and understandable answer is that it takes time to write articles, submit them and get targeted traffic to their websites. That is why they get the services of those who can spares sometime to write the articles that would cater to their site purpose but still turn out as a good quality and unique piece of work.
To get into the Adsense marketing business and start earning some good cash, ask yourself. Did you enjoy writing when you were in school? If you answer yes to this question, you already have an initial advantage over most internet marketing business owners that wants to make money online and doing it at home.
With the boom in the Adsense market comes the need for sites to want fresh, quality and original keyword rich content. This way, web site owners can have a steady supply of articles with the proper keywords that they relate to their site contents. The result of this is seen in the sites page rank when indexed by the search engines. Which, in turn, gets moreAdsense ads to show above, below or next to the article on their website with targeted traffic.
What do people have to do?
Write quality and original content, keyword or phrase rich articles with links to your website in the resource box. Then build a website or web page with targeted keyword or phrase rich original content for the targeted traffic that originates from the articles you wrote. Finally, you will have a Google Adsense ads that are targeted to your keyword or phrase rich original content site where visitors will get to visit when they come looking for information.
A win-win situation if you think more about it. A favor for persons looking for quality content and information. For the persons writing the original content articles. And the person with the quality original content rich website. Of course, the search engines and its advertisers are getting targeted traffic and sales but so what? As long as you are getting something in your favor, it does not really matter what the others are getting for themselves.
So who else wants to start earning money with Adsense. You. Everyone. Anybody. Internet marketing has many opportunities wide open for this people. Writing articles and using Adsense for your kind of internet marketing strategy is one sure way of getting a piece of that action and cash.
Better not be left behind the many making millions already.
7:22 AM
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Adsense Secrets & More Revealed!
Professionals have their own adsense secrets to success. Some of them have the same while others have unique strategies.
If you will make a research on the web about Adsense secrets, you will only be guided by the different websites with their ads and they will most likely sell the answers to you. Since you are hoping to get answers to all your questions, you will do anything just to know their secret.
You may think of buying any solution that you are presented but understand that almost all the people who want to share their adsense secret are the same.
Now before you make any move, it will be helpful if you do some research on the different search engines. There may be a hundreds of forums that will be displayed on your search. It can be a good way to get valuable information that you can use on your site.
Reading articles written by professional internet marketers are also a good source. Some of the marketers share their own experiences and adsense secrets to help the beginners who wish to succeed in the field of marketing. You can read through hundreds of articles and you can surely get something out of reading them.
Although most of the answers that you can get will ask you to do a little bit of work, it will be worth the try if you really want to succeed. Everyone in the marketing field increased their profits without trying the different strategies.
The web service is a good source for adsense secrets. You can use good keywords to find advices and tips. You can use keywords in the search engines such as: adsense tips, increase adsense income, adsense experiments and adsense adsense tricks. You will be shown with a lot of good information that you can choose from.
If there are different strategies shown, you can choose one which you think will best work for you. But if you can use two or more at the same time, chances are you will be getting good results in a few days. However, these strategies need dedication and perseverance.
You also need to have your own sense of style to be applied on the adsense secrets.
The internet will be the best resource and its all in just one click and you are in for success. You just have to be patient in making your search.
If you want to increase the traffic of your site, you will obviously increase your income. The real adsense secret is to be on top of the search engines or have more and more visitors on your site.
In order to increase traffic to your site, you can have a fresh content into your site. It is necessary to post different articles every other time so that the visitors and readers will visit your site more often. Just make sure that the articles are relevant to the theme of your site.
You can find a lot of good authors who will offer services at a low cost provided that their names will be displayed in the author resource box.
The real adsense secret is to have a good site that your readers can benefit a lot while doing the same for you. it is important that you know your customers and you know what they exactly need.
7:06 AM
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Beware Of Google’s Top Blue Ads
Google, the company that launched the number one search engine and a whole host of new services like Gmail, Google Desktop, Google Earth, and the all new Google Checkout, attracts its users with its great yet free products. Google makes money, and lots of it at that, mostly through targeted advertising. Its advertising model, called Adsense, is proven to be beneficial to both advertisers and users alike and has generated much relevant traffic for Adsense advertisers. However, something about the ads’ format has been causing some eyebrows to rise since they result in accidental click to ads and this in turn raises some questions as to how the accidental clicks affect the advertisers.
When searching in Google for certain keywords or key phrases targeted ads from sponsors appear on the top of the search engine results page (SERP). The targeted ads are clearly set apart from the ordinary search results by its blue background and the label Sponsored Links found on the top right corner of the blue area. They are so labeled so that users not interested in the advertisers’ products or services will not mistakenly click on the ads. However according to an article called Accidentally Clicking on Google’s Top Blue Ads, users still do routinely click on the links by mistake. This usually happens when users click on the blue space on the right of the links themselves. The blue space supposed by many to be a non-clickable area, is actually clickable and would lead the user to the advertiser’s site whose link is nearest to the left of the mouse click.
The accidental clicking of ads has actually been a problem noticed as early as November of last year and has lead to the coining of a new word – Accidense. In November 27th of last year TDavid wrote an article entitled "Accidense?". In his article he noticed that some Google ads had more white space that was clickable compared to others. Because of the larger clickable white space of some ads the chance for users of clicking on certain ads by accident is greater. People soon picked up on the word and started calling the accidental clicking on Google’s AdSense ads, Accidense. Note then that accidense is a phenomenon that happens not only on Google’s SERPs but in any of its service – like Gmail – or any website that has AdSense ads in them.
Effect on Google Users
Accidense is a source of irritation to Google users who have no intention of viewing the ads. Of course in comparison to pop-up ads the irritation AdSense ads bring pale in comparison. However, accidense still retracts from user experience and is mostly unproductive for the user. There may be occasions though wherein the accidental click brings users to advertising sites they are actually interested in. This should happen quite often since AdSense ads are targeted ads so that the chance of the user being interested in its contents is much higher than a user accidentally clicking on the usual static ads. But that would only be the case if the user sticks around long enough to know what the ad is actually about before hitting the back button. And since Internet users, especially search engine users, are usually extremely goal driven then the probability that the user will hit the back button even before the advertisers’ ad has fully loaded is greater than the chance that the user will stick around to find out what he had stumbled on accidentally.
Effect on Google AdSense Affiliates and Advertisers
Accidense may be a nuisance to users but is of greater to concern to advertisers. AdSense is a pay per click advertising program, which means that advertisers have to pay for each click their ads generate whether it was accidental or deliberate. Accidental clicks therefore automatically generate profit for both Google and its affiliate website carrying the ad but most often than not doesn’t translate to profit for the advertisers. People are therefore asking how much accidense really affects advertisers.
Commercial advertisers would do well to track just how much their AdSense campaign is benefiting them not only by the amount of clicks they receive. As pointed out in an article on clicks, "Clicks are not a failsafe method of proving anything. Clicks can be automated. Clicks can be fraudulent.", and in accidense’ case clicks can be accidental. If clicks are therefore not reliable factor in determining the effectiveness of an ad campaign in a pay per click program, what then would be a good measure of the clicks’ actual productivity? As Scoble pondered in his tech blog advertisers ought to track their ads effectiveness by the amount of time the browser stays on their page. A constant stream of very short term visits – meaning a few seconds – could indicate that accidense is giving them illegitimate traffic and that they could be paying Google more than the ads are actually worth. On the other hand, it could also mean that their website just isn’t appealing enough and needs much improvement. It would also help advertisers track which keywords or key phrases generate more effective or genuine interest in their site and so could remove irrelevant keywords and thus lessen the illegitimate traffic and the expense of paying for the clicks that traffic brings.
Accidental Clicks on your Own Ads
Another issue of concern to advertisers is accidental clicks on their own ads. This is a serious issue since Google terminates AdSense accounts when they have determined that the advertiser clicks on their own ads. This is done to prevent fraud of course. However, accidense does happen and advertisers do click on their own ads especially while working on their AdSense page. When this happens it is best to relax and just let it go if it happens only a few times. Google will most probably not terminate an account for a few clicks. However, if you want to be on the safe side you can email Google and inform them the clicks were accidental. Preventing this form of accidense by making sure that no AdSense ads run in your browser, however, makes more sense than simply trying to avoid clicking on the ads themselves. Here’s a good article on how to Protect Yourself From Clicking Your Ads Accidentally.
6:59 AM
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Adsense Template Tips To Income And Sucess... ASAP!
What does small and big websites have in common? Two words. Adsense templates.
From the time adsense and adsense templates had been introduced, it has proven to be one of the most effective ways of generating more money over the Internet. You can never see a site without one of these ads plastered in some part of their pages. It does not matter what your site is catering to. The only thing important is the presence of these adsense templates.
Although a lot of site owners have used these ads to their advantage, there are still those who have not. If you are just one of those wanting to have one of these adsense templates into your site, you surely would want to know how to make the most of the templates.
How do you use adsense templates to generate you more advantage and income?
1. Simple website layout.
Try to maintain the simplicity in your site. Not only will your visitors find it easy to search on the things they need, but your ads will clearly be visible. Putting on too much graphics, pictures or flashes can definitely divert your visitors from clicking on your ads.
If the primary purpose of your site is to generate more adsense income, then focus more on getting people to click on the ads. Give your adsense the space they deserve where people can see them the instant they come into your site.
2. Adsense template design.
Put your adsense in the place where you think they will be more profitable. You would also want to make sure that they go well with the colors you are using on your site. You would not want them to be overridden by the background colors you are using.
Try to keep them as visible and as complementary to your site as possible. Check out other sites that are using adsense. See how they position their ads and how you react to them.
3. Articles.
Put articles that are very much related to your target market and what your site is about. It is best to write out original articles with contents that people do not get to read everyday.
You can also make use of ghostwriters to supply you with original contents if you think that writing is way beyond you. Just make sure that the contents are original to avoid being accused of duplicating other articles.
4. Keeping track of who comes in and out of your site.
Having a close watch over the people that are visiting your site is necessary if you want to keep track of the income your site is generating. Get to know what ads people are clicking more on. You may want to pattern those that are being ignored to those that are being clicked often.
If you find that none of your adsense or pages are being visited much, then maybe the other aspects of your sites are causing these problems. Check out your keywords or your topics.
5. Generating traffic.
Even if your site is the best looking site over the Internet, it would not matter one bit if traffic is not coming your way. No visitors simply means no income.
And even if you are using the best adsense template around, if you have not planned your strategy correctly, then all your efforts will result to nothing in the end.
Larry Evans -
6:47 AM
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5 Reasons Many Adsense Sites Don't Make Money
With the huge success Google’s Adsense has been reaping, there are now only a handful of sites you’ll see that doesn’t feature Adsense on their sites. Everyone is hoping that they could make huge earnings from this pay-per-click affiliate program scheme Google has launched.
While there are many success stories (they are true) of sites that have generated good income from Adsense, there are still some sites that couldn’t grasp the real way of making an earning from Adsense.
This is because many people have failed to generate the needed factors to create a successful site that compliments the features Adsense provides. Many webmasters just put up or create mediocre sites and place Adsense on their site and just sits back and waits for the cash to roll in.
If that is the mentality of a site owner, then he won't earn from Adsense. Remember, a mediocre site will also get mediocre earnings.
To finally realize the Adsense dream, a webmaster must produce a site that has the factors and characteristics needed to generate the traffic and clicks it needs to be profitable. There are many things a webmaster needs to do to achieve this and be one of the millions of sites who have successfully done so. But there are so much more things a site owner has failed to do to make their site more Adsense friendly.
Here are five reasons why many Adsense sites don’t make money.
1) There are no good keywords on the site.
Many sites have failed to do the very essence of search engine optimization, Good Keywords. The internet has many websites competing for the attention of the “netizens” and many sites contain the same or almost the same subjects, topics or niches. To date, Google is searching at over three billion sites; good keywords can get you a good lead above all the other sites.
It is essential that you research well on finding the good keywords your site can use to generate the traffic and get a high ranking on the search engines results. If many internet users are directed to your site, you get a huge opportunity to get great traffic. With traffic comes the profit.
In making money you must spend some. Invest in a good program that searches good and proper keywords for your site. These keywords that people are looking for changes and varies, a good keyword searcher is an investment that just keeps on giving.
2) The site doesn’t provide a good niche.
To get the attention of the people, you must provide a site that can perk up the interest of the people. Adsense works well if you maintain a good number of traffic, you have to keep the people’s interest on your site and have a group of people to keep coming back to your site and have them recommend it.
You must also find a niche wherein these groups of people are interested in. Find the right niche and you’ll find the right group of people that are willing to spend some money.
3) The site owner doesn’t maintain or update their site.
You can only maintain the interest of a person for a short period of time. Many websites have failed to keep up the traffic they generate for their failure to keep their site updated. Immerse yourself in your niche and try to find out what’s new and what’s hot.
You have to serve something new to the people or if not, try to keep abreast with the developments of your niche or maybe add some sub-niches on your site that still pertains to your niche to get new traffic and keep the attention of your clients in your site.
4) Some website owners don’t provide the full attention to their Adsense sites.
Many people just see their sites as a way to earn some extra money. You have to treat Adsense sites as a full size business to make it big. With the heavy competition you have, a good webmaster should treat their site as if it is their main source of income but still maintain a good schedule of their time.
5) Many webmasters have failed to devout time and research to their Adsense site.
Many elements are needed to build a successful Adsense site. Good keywords and the right niches can roll in the dough, but this takes time and effort. It is imperative to devout a certain amount of time in looking for ways to develop your Adsense site.
The internet is abound of sites that could help your own site. A little time, money and hard work can spell the huge difference between a successful Adsense site and a mediocre one.
Kevin Anderson
6:24 AM
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Google Adsense and How You Can Earn More From Adsense Ads
Any web site owner or webmaster who is trying to earn a profit from their sites are likely familiar with Google Adsense.
Google Adsense is a great and easy way to make money from your site if it is done right. Adsense will allow any person with a blog or an informative site to earn money, simply by placing a little code on their site pages. Rather than trying to figure out exactly what ads to put on their web pages, Adsense gives web site owners the ability to concentrate on their sites content.
Many webmasters are able to make a living from Adsense, however, there are also quite a few who spend all their time just trying to figure out the "magic trick" used to earn from Google Adsense. Earning a living from Google Adsense ads, can seem difficult, but it's not impossible.
If Google Adsense is going to be your only source of income, you will want to do more than just taking some Adsense code and placing it on your site. That is just not enough; you will need to do some experimenting, with placements, formats and choice of keywords.
You really should take care to build your page around a specific topic or keyword that is relevant to your site concept. This will ensure that any Adsense ads which are placed on this page are appropriate and useful to any visitors who want to know more about the topic and they will more than likely end up clicking on the Adsense ad.
You will want to take care where you place your ads. It has been proven that visitors often first look to the top left of a website when they arrive. Because this is were your visitors attention is likely to first, it is going to be one place where you might want to consider placing some ads. You can read the Google help on the Adsense website to learn more about the best locations for placing your adverts.
Another consideration when placing your ads, is to put them on high traffic pages. You can identify the pages visited most on your site by taking a look at your logs or your Google account, where you will get the page-by-page details of your visitors.
Although the skyscraper and banner ads may look good on your site, you may want to avoid using them. Often times, banners are ignored. For example, have you clicked on any banners of sites that you have visited lately?
You will want to blend your Adsense ads into your web page by using the Adsense formats. Google supplies a variety of palettes allowing you to change font colors, borders and backgrounds. There really isn't much point in putting an ad on a page if it doesn't blend with your site.
A very important resource that many webmasters ignore is the Adsense preview tool. This tool will allow you to preview the ads that will go on each of your pages and gives you sample ads and formats. Here is where the destination of your ads can be checked, as well as, geo targeted locations.
Remain focused on what it is that you want to achieve. However busy you may be, you must take some time and experiment with your Adsense ads so that CTR can improve. No matter what the experts say, just follow the basics, that's the real magic to making more from Gooogle Adsense.
Source: Connie McKenzie - request3.html">
10:28 PM
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$1 Million in Google AdSense Earnings
They are calling him the million dollar man. Jason Calacanis recently revealed in his blog that
And if that number doesn’t wake you up and have you sitting on the edge of your seat, consider for a moment that he reached this level in less than a year. His company only started using AdSense in September 2004.
Calacanis runs Weblogs Inc., a network dedicated to creating trade weblogs across niche industries. And he’s quickly proven that AdSense is a credible advertising partner.
As their network has grown, so has their AdSense revenue. In January 2005 they earned an average of $580 per day. In March it was $737. In May it was $1,585. One day in July, just before he made the blog entry referred to above, they earned $2,335. Remember that is just for one day. If they can take that daily average to $2,740 they’ll be earning a rate of $1 million for a year. And Calacanis predicts that reaching daily earnings of $3,000 or even $5,000 is quite achievable.
That’s quite an achievement. Keep in mind that Calacanis has 103 bloggers on the payroll and nine staffers. Even so, many webmasters would give an arm or a leg to have even a third of that.
Google’s AdSense has been revolutionary. It has become firmly established as the darling of the online advertising industry. Although rumors are heard of major competitors launching a similar service, AdSense’s premier position seems secure for now.
In essence, AdSense has made it possible for almost anyone with a web site or blog to earn some revenue from advertising, without having to employ sales people or spend precious time searching for advertisers.
AdSense works like this. Webmasters sign up for an account in just a few minutes. They receive a small snippet of code to include on their web pages. Google will then automatically serve advertisements that are relevant to the content on the webmaster's pages. When someone visits the webmaster's site and clicks on one of Google's AdSense advertisements, the webmaster earns a fee. Advertisers can pay anywhere from five cents to a hundred dollars per click, and the webmaster receives a percentage of that fee.
Many webmasters are content with earning five to ten dollars from AdSense to cover the cost of web hosting. But many, unsurprising, have higher ambitions. At a popular WebmasterWorld forum, participants share tips and encouragement on reaching a goal of $300 per day from AdSense. So it is no wonder that Calacanis created quite a buzz when he made his million dollar blog entry.
Google have proven once again that they excel at designing innovative Internet services. If you are in the web industry and have not yet used AdSense, then perhaps you should try it out. Or if you are already using it, perhaps Calacanis’ impressive results will encourage you to track the performance of your AdSense units more closely, fine tune their positions and formats, and take your earnings to a new level.
Calacanis’ million dollar blog entry can be viewed at:
10:24 PM
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The Death Of Adsense For Web Publishers
For three years tens of thousands of webmasters have been making incomes ranging from a few dollars a month to five figure sums per month – with Google’s contextual advertising
Indeed many Internet Gurus have made substantial profits by telling people how to monetise their website traffic by putting Adsense on it.
Adsense revenues are shared between Google and the Adsense Publisher … the website owner – up to now a nice cosy and profitable arrangement.
Google has always been cautious about revealing the ratio of payout to the publishers for Adsense clicks compared to the amount that the advertiser pays for the Adwords … but the feeling among Adsense Publishers is that the percentage has been dropping steadily over the past three years – if you are a number cruncher, you may try to interpret the financial data from Google itself here:
In the past there was one price for Adword keywords, whether they appeared in Google Search results or as Adsense Ads on individual Adsense Publishers websites – that was fine as an Adsense Publisher might get, say $4 from a click for a $6 Adword – remember nobody knows exactly because Google will not tell!
Individual websites that publish Adsense are known as Google’s content network.
On 22 November 2005 Google made a change to their Adwords advertising program - they allowed advertisers to bid different amounts for the Ads that would appear in Google Search results and for the Ads that would appear on individual Adsense Publishers websites.
So an advertiser might bid $5 for a click from Google and 5 cent for a click from an Adsense Publisher in the content network … Ouch if you happen to be that Adsense Publisher!
Is it the end of the road for Adsense Publishers?
Is there life after Adsense?
What can Adsense Publishers do to make up for the drop in revenues?
Is it possible to make much more from your website than you were making with Adsense – maybe this was a blessing in disguise!
Source: Brian Casey -
9:52 PM
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So If AdSense Is Dead Then What?
I've been following this latest fantastic little adventure in internet marketing with a great deal of interest.
The Death of AdSense isn't something new. Savvy, big time players (these are NOT most Internet Marketing Gurus) have always said that AdSense isn't a business - it's something that can, CAN, generate an income, but which requires an exit strategy into a real business.
Now, you can take this several ways. It is possible to construct a more or less viable business model around AdSense. But, you need to have a lot more resources than most people who try AdSense as an income source have.
I'm sorry, but this is reality. For most (by which I mean somewhere between 95 and 98% of the people putting up AdSense sites), it's penny scraping and it's hard and it's getting harder.
Sure thing, you can build "authority sites." Uh huh. With PLR content? You think? I doubt it but try it and see.
Let's see who else I can get angry at me.
AdSense content ads still pay decent money in competitive markets - the problem is that competitive markets are difficult to get ranking in and therefore traffic for. Oh, it's possible, but it's an awful lot of work.
The major problem most MFA publishers face is that they don't do the work. Slap up a site and on to the next. Grab a template with a bunch of crummy content and HOPE you'll make a buck or 50 cents a day. Now that's nuts.
CPA (click per action), particularly for decent leads has generally always paid substantially more than something like AdSense. It is something you can establish a stable long-term business on. As long as you can get the traffic.
You can, certainly, get traffic through PPC. You can also lose your shirt. It's not a newbie game. If you're going to do PPC, you have got to do some serious studying and track everything very closely or you can go broke in short order.
Think about this. Say I do a monster hot viral deal and bag 27,000 marketers. And I turn them onto CPA at places that pay me a commission on sign up and a small percentage of the business those new affiliates bring in. Now, we're talking a little serious continuity. Month after month I'm getting a little bit from the efforts of what - 1000, 8000, 12000 people? Bring me another one of those funky drinks with the umbrella, the sun is strong and the beach is beautiful.
Is that worth 50 cents per? I suspect so. And eventually, there's going to be one or more dyn-o-mite products with major price tags, too.
Boy, I'm seriously jealous. We're talking genuine genius stuff here. You see, it doesn't matter a damn whether AdSense is dead or not. A new path can be worth a fortune to those who didn't have a clue - and who are willing to do the learning and the work to make it happen. Most won't, of course. It's a lot of work. But some will and they should do very well.
In one sense, Ad Sense has always been dead. You're throwing away your traffic for pennies. And it's a lot of work to get ANY traffic.
But for most, CPA is going to be a dangerous and potentially ruinous game. It sounds terrific, but nobody's telling you how to get those PPC costs for your landing pages down from maybe 5 or 10 bucks per click. Hey, wake up, remember the Google slap, landing page quality measures, etc.
There are some brilliant, knowledgeable, capable people running around loose who do give out valuable information. They aren't stupid. That means they do it for a reason. You can use their information to improve your business, but you absolutely have to get a grip on their goals too. You have to understand not only what you're doing and why but what they're doing and why.
You are going to have to stop believing blindly everything that sounds terrific and matches, more or less, your own experience. Ugly, but you have to use your head and actually think.
A zillion lemmings running blindly after the latest greatest revelation - it's the same stupid game of looking, over and over, for the one miraculous tool, idea, concept, piece of software that's going to make you a fortune. It isn't going to happen. The magic bullet doesn't exist. Stop wasting your time and money.
Create a workable plan - one you can actually carry out. MFA, affiliate sales, creating your own product, CPA (if you can do the PPC or are willing to learn). Any one of these can make you money. If you stop screwing around looking for the answer and the easy money. There is NO easy money. It's all either work (for most of us) or sheer bloody genius combined with an insane amount of luck (for the few).
Well, I hope I managed to offend everybody who's pulling your chain to suck a couple more nickels out of you. If not, maybe in my next article. But you - you have got to do some very serious work on your BS detector. You need to understand how you are being done to and why. It isn't necessarily a bad thing. You are getting really valuable information, but you still need to evaluate and understand it, not accept it as if Moses were dumping one of those stone tablets on you. Even I'm trying to sell you stuff.
Source: Richard Keir -
9:48 PM
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Tips For Maximum Adsense Content Relevancy
One of the most essential aspects of getting the most out of your involvement with Google’s Adsense program is to be certain that Google serves up the most relevant ads possible on your site. The concept is easy to grasp--visitors travel to your sites in search of certain content on their topic of interest. If they see advertisements directly related to those content desires, they are far more likely to click on the ads than if they encounter only tangentially related material or, in a worst case scenario, ads that are not even related to their interests. As such, it is in your best interests to make sure your site displays relevant ads. Here are few tips for improving your content relevancy to produce more accurately targeted contextual
FIRST THINGS FIRST. Before you even begin to use Adsense as a monetization tool, make sure there are relevant ads for your site or pages. In most cases, you will have determined this long before you even embarked on site design or content development. However, if you are thinking of adding Adsense to an existing site built with other monetization strategies originally in mind, you may not have bothered checking to see if other advertisers were going after that particular market. Be sure you are addressing a topic for which ads exist in sufficient quantity. If related advertising is sparse, it will difficult to avoid irrelevant ads.
KEYWORDS MATTER. You do not want content that is overstuffed with particular keywords to point of destroying readability and value, but you do want to make sure your materials make liberal use of on-topic keywords likely to spawn the most relevant possible ads. Experts maintain that using keywords with your titles and H1 tags is an excellent way to assist in getting the most relevant possible ads. This has added advantages in terms of search engine optimization, as well.
METATAGS. Once upon a time, metatags were a critical aspect of search engine optimization in general. Although the engines rely upon metatags far less than they once did, there is some evidence to suggest that using ad-triggering keywords in your pages’ meta-tags may increase the relevance of the advertisements displayed. This strategy may help, and it certainly cannot hurt.
LOOK FOR LACKLUSTER CONTENT. Many sites to a great job of supplying content related to particular themes or keywords in the main portion of a page, but have sidebars, headers and footers filled with less targeted terms and material. Take a long look at your navigational elements and other “side of the page” text and remove keyword terminology that may be leading to irrelevant ad service. Alternatively, you can use Adsense’s section targeting tool to remove those areas from Adsense’s consideration completely, so long as you do not plan to display ad blocks or ad link units in those areas.
TIGHT THEMING. You want to keep content tightly themed. That means you do not want to feature long, rambling articles that cover multiple topics. Instead, rely upon materials that address singular issues. You also do not want to feature multiple chunks of content on disparate matters on the same page for that very same reason. The value of tight theming may extend past individual pages. Many publishers argue that Adsense tends to reward tightly-themed overall sites with more relevant ads, as well. Even though this aspect of theming is not as well researched and proven, it makes sense to follow the practice, because of the search engine optimization advantages of having a focused site.
BLOCK THE BAD ADS. Monitor your site regularly and take note when irrelevant ads appear. Then, take the time to add them to your blacklist for the site. Google does give you the ability to block individual ads via the Competitive Ad Filter. If you block out commonly served irrelevant ads, you may improve your chances of featuring more ads upon which your visitors will actually click.
The more contextually relevant the ads appearing on your site are, the more clicks you can expect to see. As such, it is important to make an effort to use a combination of proven SEO methods that also work well with Adsense and some program-specific maneuvers to secure the best possible ads on your site.
Source: JP Schoeffel
9:44 PM
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Tuesday, April 03, 2007
The Google Adsense Template Phenomenon
For many affiliate marketers, Google Adsense templates are a god-send. In fact, they are now realizing that good money is made from this source of revenue. Try the simple mathematical computation of multiplying those clicks for every page on your website and you get a summation of earnings equivalent to a monthly residual income with that little effort you have made.
Since this form of contextual advertising can be a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant and text-based Google ads on their website’s content pages and earn money in the process, the need for unique graphics and google adsense templates comes into focus (or any other contextual ad provider). Ever-conscious of spam or junk pages, ideal graphics with ideal ad locations make website creation less painful.
How much you will be earning will depend on how much the advertisers are willing to pay. It will depend also on the keywords required. If the keywords the advertiser have chosen are in high demand, you could receive more dollars per click. On the other hand, low demand keywords will earn you just a few cents per click.
How can you start making profits out of your website using Adsense?
1. First, register for an Adsense account. It will only take a few minutes of your time.
2. When the site is accepted, you will be receiving a bit of javascript code to include in your web pages. You can insert this code on as many pages or web sites that you want. The AdWords will start appearing immediately after.
3. You will be earning a few cents or some dollars per click when someone starts clicking on the AdWords displayed on any of your web pages. Trying to earn false revenues by repetitively clicking on your own ads is a no-no. This will result in a penalty or the possibility of your site being eliminated. The money you have already earned may be lost because of this.
4. View your statistics. Adsense earnings can be checked anytime by logging into your web site account.
Once you got your account working, you may still want to pattern them to the many sites that are earning more money than you are. It is important to note that there are factors affecting how your website will perform and the amount of money it will give you.
It is a common practice that when a site earning money, the tendency is for the owner to want to make more out of what they are getting already. It usually takes some time combined with trial and error to attain what you want for your Adsense contents.
Time and some important factors that you can practice and use. Remember to study your server logs and watch for any activity that seems suspicious. Report anything that you may find odd, may it big or small thing.
You may want to consider disabling ads for your own IP address and local geographic area. This will certainly prevent accidents and will not make Google mistake another user as you. You can do through a htaccess file. This will avoid Google mistaking as clicking on your own ads and be kicked out because of it.
But all-in-all, with quality and original content, it's a win-win situation if you think more about it. A favor for persons looking for quality content and information. For the persons writing the original content articles. And the person with the quality original content rich website. Of course, the search engines and its advertisers are getting targeted traffic and sales but so what? As long as you are getting something in your favor, it does not really matter what the others are getting for themselves. But with quality and original Google Adsense templates making the job MUCH easier, the only income way is up.
Joe loves both organic and pay per click web traffic. Read about his latest find: Jeff Johnson's superb collection of Google Adsense Templates here (and very affordable, too) Google Adsense Templates (Source:
1:03 AM
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Monday, March 12, 2007
Making Money From Blogging Takes Time
I’ve been reflecting today upon the long term nature of having a business that makes money from blogging.
I am regularly asked by bloggers in their start up phase why they are not earning enough money from their blogs to go full time.
While I usually can find a variety of reasons - in the majority of cases it tends to come back down to the length of time that they’ve been blogging.
Why is length of time in successful entrepreneurial blogging for money so important?
There are a few reasons that come to mind:
* Quantity of content - I’ve been blogging for almost 3 years (in fact November will see me hit this mark) and in that time I’ve added over 11,000 pages of content. This is 11,000 possible entry points to my blogs in search engines. This quantity of content does not just appear.
* Search Engine Optimization - It takes significant time to become an authoritative and highly ranked site in the eyes of search engines. While it might be possible to rank highly on lower paying topics - to rise to the top of a competitive area is rarely achieved quickly unless you have a high profile, a lot of cash or get very lucky (or know something I don’t about SEO).
* Reputation - Building a reputation for yourself in real life takes significant time - the same is true for the online profile of you and/or your blogs. Good reputation builds incoming links, opportunities, bookmarks, RSS subscriptions, advertiser goodwill and loyal readership.
* Network - Connected with a good reputation comes good relationships and a network of contacts. Two years ago if I had wanted to start a new blogging project with someone else I would have had little chance of convincing anyone to join me - but since that time I’ve worked hard at my relationships with fellow bloggers (and other online and offline contacts) to the point now where my problem is becoming too many opportunities to collaborate.
* Web Smarts - I shudder when I look back at my first blogging efforts and how naive, ill-informed and poorly run they were. I have a long way to go when it comes to learning about the web, blogs, design, writing etc - but over time my own skills and knowledge in these areas have grown. You can read all the books, blogs and articles you want on blogging (and I’d encourage you to do so) - but so much of what you can learn about blogging for money has to come from on the job experience - which again only comes with time.
So if your goal is to grow a substantial online business - one of my main piece of advice is to take a long term view of it. While a very small percentage of successful online business people do seem to make it big overnight - the examples of this are increasingly becoming fewer and farer between. I believe you can still realistically expect to grow your business (at least to some extent) but think its worth reminding ourselves that like most things - successful blogging comes as a result of hard work, determination, smart decisions and time.
A few quotes to end with:
"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success." - Napoleon Hill
"Someone has defined genius as intensity of purpose: the ability to do, the patience to wait… Put these together and you have genius, and you have achievement." - Leo J. Muir
"Genius is eternal patience." - Michelangelo
Source: ProBlogger
10:30 PM
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007
How Do You Research Your AdSense Keyword
Getting the right AdSense keyword is the most important part of Google AdSense site development if your ultimate goal is to drive targeted search engine traffic to your site. Good AdSense keyword selections are the basis on which your search engine traffic will come from. This is how you should do your AdSense keyword research.
Seek help from forums:
Forums are good places where you find the right answer for your questions.
Expand Your AdSense Keyword:
Once you get some keywords, you can expand your AdSense keyword into a list of AdSense key phrase. You can use keyword suggestion tools to help you on this. Here is list of keyword suggestion tools:
- Digitalpoint Keyword Suggestion Tool ( - free keyword research tool that will show you the results of your query from both Wordtracker and Overture for determining which phrases are searched most often.
- Wordtracker ( - online keyword research toll with free trial version
- Overtune Keyword Suggestion Tool ( - Free online tool
Choose the Right AdSense Keyword or Key Phrases to Start With:
You have now built a list of keywords and key phrases for your AdSense site. How many AdSense keywords or key phrases should you start with? Or which AdSense keywords or AdSense key phrases are right for? You can start with five to ten AdSense keywords or key phrases. It is much easier to achieve high search engine position for the less popular terms than those very popular search terms as the competition for the less popular terms is lesser. You should get good result from the less search for terms and perhaps it is a good idea that you start with them first. (Source:
10:08 PM
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
You Will Lose A Big Portion of Your AdSense Earnings If You Don't Do This
You are working hard creating good and quality content for your Google AdSense web site. You carefully plan a good link building strategy for your Google AdSense web site. You distribute your articles through article distribution channels regularly. You submit your Google AdSense web site to web directories and you've done basic search engine optimization on all of your AdSense pages. You work extremely hard to get as much traffic as possible to your Google AdSense web site.
One day, you receive an email from a webmaster who owns a huge mailing list informing you that your site will be featured in his newsletter. You are happy that someone likes your Google AdSense web site and he will promote your web site for free. You start receiving huge amount of referral traffic from his newsletter. Instead of getting 2000 hits per day, you are getting 200,000 hits per day now. This sudden traffic surge boosts the number of clicks on your Google AdSense ads. Your Google AdSense earning is increased by a few folds.
Before you know it, you receive an email from Google saying that your account is suspended due to "invalid clicks". You didn't click on your Google AdSense ad intentionally or accidentally. Everything you did so far does not violate the Google AdSense terms and conditions. You could not figure what went wrong and why your Google AdSense account is suspended.
Sudden Jump in Google Earnings Triggers Red Flag
The sudden jump in your Google earnings has alerted the Google AdSense team and the result is the suspension of your Google AdSense account. In fact, this happened to a dozen of Internet Marketers. However they managed to get their Google AdSense account fully reinstate using the right strategy.
If your AdSense account is suspended because of the sudden jump in your Google AdSense earnings, you should stay calm and plan the right strategy before you talk to Google. You should be patient when dealing with Google. You should be polite when communicate with them and take initiative to provide them with all the documents they may need. You should not argue with them why they've suspended your account unfairly. After all, your main purpose is to get your Google AdSense Account reinstated.
Jason has written General Guideline for AdSense Reinstatement. This is a detail guideline on how to get your Google AdSense account reinstated if you have not violated Google AdSense terms and conditions. He also provides a few examples of correspondence he was using to get his account reinstated.
In conclusion, to avoid any disruption to your Google AdSense business, it may be a good idea to alert Google AdSense team about the possible surge of traffic that your Google AdSense web site may receive. (Source:
6:22 AM
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Google AdSense Account Terminated - What Should You Do?
Once you have decided to take your marketing campaign to Google's AdSense pay per click program, you agree to a number of rules including:
- No hidden pages. You must have a clear hierarchy and each page needs at least one link to get there.
- No broken links. If you link outside of your site, make sure you check your links often. No more than 100 links per page.
- When designing your site, create one that is helpful to a user; don't design a page for search engines. Make sure you clearly define what your site is about.
- Your TITLE and ALT tags should be precise and descriptive.
- You need a site map to help users find what they are looking for if your menu doesn't.
- No hidden text.
- No redirection of your site
Even if you follow all these design rules, you may still be at risk of losing your AdSense advertiser account or have temporarily been fined a penalty in the form of your ads being removed from rotation on other sites. The penalty may go away with time, but it's best to double and triple check your site then file a re-inclusion request (instructions below.) Include in your request which changes you've made and that it won't happen again.
Your competitors might have a plan that could get you banned. It's called "click bombing" and it's against Google's policy.
Click bombing happens when someone, be it a competitor or not, repeatedly clicks the pay per click ad for a business in order to raise flags with Google. Google rates their ads based on relevance, so the more an ad is clicked, the more relevant it becomes, and the higher up the list it moves. This has made it very easy for business owners to move themselves up the relevance list, so Google countered this practice by red flagging any business that has a significant spike in AdSense hits. If the hits all trace back to the same IP address or addresses, the advertiser is removed for "invalid clicks".
Finding out about this strength in Google's search engine, sneaky competitors have started to exploit it by purposely clicking the competitions ad again and again, in order to ban the ad.
If this has happened to you, or if you've been banned for violation of any of the design or technological terms of your contract, you can sometimes have it overturned by contacting customer support. You can contact Google support by visiting Make sure you type "Re-inclusion Request" in the subject of the email. Keep your request simple, short and to the point. No need to threaten Google that you'll stop advertising with them or list how long you've been a customer.
It is imperative, though, that you run reports frequently and store the data outside of your Google account. This will help prove to Google that a click bombing happened should you be removed. You are not guaranteed a reversal, however. In fact, most pleas to Google to have a banned account go unheard.
If you don't get a positive response from Google, you may want to check out some of the other pay per click programs, like Yahoo! Publisher Network or the many affiliate programs online. (Source:
1:48 AM
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Monday, February 12, 2007
Tracking Your AdSense Performance
Google AdSense is a program that offers an easy way for web publishers to display ads relevant to their site on their pages and earn money. It also offers pay per impression, or pay per click advertising, options to businesses who want to get the word out about their product or service to interested customers. Once you start your AdSense account don’t forget about it and wait for money to start rolling in. There is still work to be done.
Since you will only make money from click-throughs on your site, you’ll need traffic - and the more traffic, the more money you’ll make. Here are some tips for getting the most from your AdSense dedicated space and for driving up traffic:
- Location, location, location. Position your AdSense ads at the top of your page or near the focal point of your pages
- Offer freebies or unique content. Free stuff is a big draw to visitors and more visitors equal more click throughs, which turns into more money in your wallet
- Rotate content often and let your visitors know it’s always changing. It keeps them coming back for more.
- Keep those email addresses. It’s important to keep the email addresses of your visitors and let them know when your content has changed. Consider offering a free newsletter or ezine to your visitors to stay in contact with them.
- Add Google search to your site. In addition to offering visitors the convenience of searching on your site, you can make more money from Google by adding this feature.
- Keep your graphics small and simple. Because graphics and animations take longer to load than text and links, the simpler your pages, the quicker they load. And the faster they load, the faster your visitors can click their way to your profit.
- Keep the design simple and clear.
Reporting and monitoring is the next important step. Google has built in reporting features but you may want more detailed reports as well. The Google reports will show:
- Total number of page impressions
- Number of ad clicks and the click through rate
- The cost per click (CPC) and cost per 1000 impressions (CPM)
- Total earnings
While this is wonderful, valuable information, you may also want to know:
- Click through rates of every page on every domain you are using AdSense on (the Google tool called “Channels” limits the information you get from each domain or ad type)
- Keyword reports if you have the Google Search feature on your site(s), so you can optimize for those search words
- Reporting in real time, rather than waiting 48 hours for reporting from Google
- Which particular ads are making you money
- Detailed information about each click including IP address, date/time, page the ad was on, particular ad that was clicked on, original referrer to your site
You can get all of this from third party AdSense tracking software, available online from a number of vendors. You may want to email Google to make sure it’s an approved script; otherwise you risk being removed from the AdSense program.
Once you have the data regarding which ads are working and which aren’t, change your preferences to stop running ads that aren’t paying off and increase the ads that are. There are options to change color palettes of the ads to better fit your site, a variety of ad formats to always keep your website looking fresh and don’t be afraid to rearrange content often. (Source: PPCdollar)
10:06 PM
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