Some months ago Google announce about Make a date with data in Google Analytics. It means you can integrate your Adsense with your Analytics account.
Google Analytics is tools to analyze your site visitor. You can check how many visitor, where they come from, and what keyword visitor found your site. It's complete free analyze tool for you site. You can improve you site with data from analytic. You can learn why people prefer this page rather then homepage.
Intergrating adsense with analityc means you can see how much you can earn for each page on your site. You can learn why this page can give more earning then another page.
How to Integrate Adsense with Analytics
1. Log-in to Google AdSense and you should see a link "Integrate your AdSense account with Google Analytics". Click the link.
2. You will see a bunch of code snippets which you are asked to insert into your pages where you run AdSense and Analytics. You need to place this code above your AdSense and your Analytics code on the page. It is not necessary to insert this code onto your primary domain you defined for the linking. (You can access the code later on from Google Analytics, by clicking "Edit AdSense linking settings" on the overview page.)
3. Now google will check your site and wait until it actives.
4. If it has been actived, log-in to Google Analytics. Select your site, click Content -> AdSense. You should see the revenues for the last time period as well as the top pages when it comes to ad revenues. Click on "Add to Dashboard" for both the AdSense Overview page as well as the "Top AdSense Content" page.
5. You now have the info on your dashboard.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Integrate Adsense with Analytics
11:39 PM
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Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Why Click is Higher Then the Impression
When I check report on Adsense sometimes I found that Click is higher then Impression. In other word CTR is more then 100%. Is it normal and how it can be happened?
In my opinion there are 2 reasons why it can be happened.
1. User open link on adsense on new windows/tab.
2. Someone use program or script that will click every link on adsense code.
3. Google has a problem with their system.
Does it save?
What I’ve gotten is CTR about 200% with small click and impression. I never gotten higher click that will make CTR above 100%. Until now I still can earn money from adsense. I assume that it’s save. But if you found your click and impression is higher and make CTR above 100% please report this problem to Adsense.
It’s to keep your account from be banned by Google Adsense.
2:03 PM
Posted by
Thursday, July 23, 2009
How to Receive Payment Using Western Union
I've received adsense payment using western union for several times. What I like to use western union is fast and free to receive money. I can get money only one day after google release my payment. It so fast then using check which usually take 3-4 weeks to receive money.
In order to receive money using western union you need to change payment option to western union. Here is step by step
1. Sign in at
2. Click My Account tab.
3. Click the 'edit' link adjacent to the 'Payment Details' header.
4. Select the Western Union Quick Cash radio button.
5. Click 'Continue'.
6. Click 'Save Changes' to save your payment type.
For your information western union is only available on some country. Make sure that your country is include on the list before you change payment option from check to western union.
You need to submit your name that same as your identify card. This name will be used to pick up money from western union agent
That's all. Just wait until next payment.
On next payment you will see link on payment issue. Click or open the link and you will get MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) number for western union. Google Adsense also provide how to pick up money on that issued payment page. Use the number to pick up money from your local western union agent. It shuold free to pick up money at western union agent.
2:17 AM
Posted by
Monday, July 20, 2009
One Click for Big Dollar
I am surprise when I checked adsense report last day. I got $5.22 for one click. This is amazing for me because it don't happen to me before. I know this can be happened for every adsense publisher. Even maybe they can get higher commission for one click.
I don't optimize content for earning huge commission on every single click like that. I also don't have secret how to do that. There is no key or secret about this. It just comes from what we call high paying keyword. And maybe my site topic is also high paying keyword too.
But you can't just depend on creating site with high paying keyword only. For example you create blog with topic mesothelioma and posting that related with mesothelioma. You will not suddenly get high commission for every single click. You need update your blog regularly with your own good content and promote it.
It's lucky for me to get $5.22 for one click. But I hope I can get this again and again
9:33 PM
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Sunday, July 19, 2009
Google Adsense on Google Sites
Google offer free product that allow you to create website for your family or company. It call Google Sites. With this product you can create site onlike like create document, add videos, presentations, and calendars to your pages. You can also decide who can edit or view the site.
Now you don't just can create website but also earn money from it using Google Adsense. Like blogspot that allow you to add adsense easily, Google Sites also offer you to add adsense easily with just one click.
If you don't know how to add adsense on Google Sites you can watch video that posting on Inside Adsense blog
9:16 PM
Posted by
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Increase Your CTR to Generate More Revenue
You have many visitor but your Adsense earning is still low so what should I do? Then you must slow down your promotion way (it doesn't means stop) and concern for improve CTR.
What is CTR. CTR is stand for Click Thru Rate. The value come from your click times 100% then divide your page impressions. You can check your Page CTR on Google Adsense report.
For example it's unusual if you have 5000 page impression with just 1 click. Let assume that you put only two Adsense code on your page so your page view is 2500. But why I just have 1 click. There are many reason for example:
- Your Adsense block looks like ads so people don't want to click it. Remember people are lazy to click ads.
- Your Adsense block display ads that not related with your site content.
- People don't know your Adsense block.
If this happens to you so you must improve your CTR. Below some things that you can do to increase your page CTR.
1. Related to Your Site
Make your Adsense block display content that have similar topic with your site. To do that you can do some points
- Create content with keyword that similar to your site topics.
- Bold, 1 - 2 keyword on your content.
- Use your keyword on your content title and use html tag <h1>
- Use keyword in your page title. You can use content title for page title.
2. Choose Right Format
Some Adsense format give better earning then other format. You can use 336x280, 300x250, or wide skyscraper.
3. Don't look like Ads
Customize your Adsense block so it isn't look like Ads because people don't want to visit your site just for click ads. You can use blend color technique. It will dress your Adsense code with the same color as your site color. For example if your font color is grey so your Adsense code font color also grey. If your link color is blue so your Adsense code also blue. Don't forget to remove border color or put the same color as your side background for border and background color on your Adsense code.
4. Right Place
Google Adsense give us tips on where you should put your Adsense code. Generally you can put adsense code under title or in the middle of the content by using 336x280 or 300x250. Or put on sidebar by using wide skyscraper. You also can test by your self in where position you should place your Adsense code.
I hope this posting can help you to increse your Adsense page CTR.
3:42 AM
Posted by
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Read Google Adsense Report
When you login with your Adsense account then you will see Google Adsense Earning report. The report is simple because it just accumulation your earning today without detail. But you also can see your report detail by days range or channel.
On each report you will see Page impressions, Clicks, Page CTR, Page eCPM, Earnings. What is the meaning of each section?
Page Impressions
The number of Google AdSense blocks that displayed on your sites. This is the total number of Google Adsense blocks on your site. This is not the same as number of page views or number of visitors. For example if you put 3 Adsense block and you only have 1 visitor so your page impressions is 3.
I guess you've already known about this section. Yes, this is number of Adsense that clicked by your visitor.
Page CTR
It's Page Click Thru Rate. Your click times 100% then divide your page impressions. The result is in percent. For example if you click is 21 and page impressions is 1000 so your Page CTR is 2.1. This is important because if you can increase your Page CTR, you can earn more revenue without having to drive more traffic to your site.
Page eCPM
This is effective Cost Per Thousand (M = mill = thousand in Latin) or this can be mean by rate for your ads. You can ignored this because it just important if you want to advertise. For example if I want ads on my site so I wil charge based on my eCPM.
Probably this is the section that people like (include me) because they always see this section when log on Google Adsense. This will report your real earning with Google Adsense.
I hope this posting can help you to understand your Google Adsense report.
3:30 AM
Posted by
Friday, January 23, 2009
Do it Now, Not Just Learn
Many people want to get success with Adsense or another earn money program. They search many blog or site that contain usefull information about Adsense or another earn money program. They spent their time to learn it. Not just learn from one blog but form many blogs. If they don't understand so they will go to forum and ask some question on the forum. But not just ask question, they also discuss some interesting topic about how to earn money from internet.
They will learn more more and more and they forget that they don't apply what they learn. They forget to build website as basic tool to earn money from internet. If they have website, they forget to promote their website/blog. They forget to apply about SEO that they've learned before. They forget to update their content too.
If this really happen so how can people earn a lot of money from internet?
You must learn how too get success to earn income from internet but don't waste your time by learn, learn, and learn without action. If you've understood so do it what you learn and start to earn money from internet.
If you've known what should you do with your adsense so do it know, don't just keep on learning but practice now.
10:32 PM
Posted by
Monday, January 19, 2009
Two Easiest Ways to Get More Visitor
There are many ways to promote or make your blog popular. You can submit into search engine, submit into directory, using Google Adwords, or advertise on newspaper. Except those ways, there are some easiest ways to promote your blog.
1. Give Comment on Blog
Don't forget to comment on every blog that you've visited. Use url input to submit your blog. Better if you comment on blog that doesn't have nofollow attribute so your blog will be indexed by Google.
2. Create Signature on Forums
This way suitable for you whom like post on forum. Use signature facility to promote your blog. Create brief description to explain your blog so people will interest to click your signature. Don't use image, use text. Google will not index url on image. Better you choose forums that have same topic with your blog topic.
If finding forum that have same topic with your blog, choose big forums that have many active members.
Use that ways you can promote your blog, get knowladge, and make relationships.
Share with us if you have another easiest ways. Have a nice try!
1:43 AM
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Create Report with Google Analytics
For some months ago Google Adsense announce that now Google Adsense is integrated with Google Analytics. So you'll have access to in-depth reports about user activity on your site from Analytics. In addition to the wealth of metrics already available in Analytics such as unique visitors and visitor language, you'll now have access to granular reports that break down AdSense performance both by page and by referring site. You'll also be able to make more informed decisions on how to improve the user experience on your site and optimize your AdSense units to increase your revenue potential.
With this new function your can do (with report):
* Discover untapped markets. Use the geographies report to determine which regions are under-represented in your site's user base. Optimize your site's content to attract more of these under-represented users.
* Drive high-earning traffic to your site. Use the 'Referring sites' report to determine where the users who are making you the most money are coming from. Focus your efforts on getting traffic from these sources.
* Delve deeper into AdSense reports. Use the visualization feature to look at trends in your site's AdSense performance over time, or by time of day.
But this function is not yet ready for all publisher. You will see an invitation link at the top of your 'Overview' and 'Advanced Reports' pages when it's been enabled for your account.
1:31 AM
Posted by
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Spend Your Money to Gain Success
You can't gain your success with Google Adsense or another affiliates program without spend your money. It's wrong opinion if you just need to work a little and spend little money to gain success.
If you read some promotion book, it looks you don't need working hard. You just need to build website, put adsense looks like part of your site, and submit it to google, yahoo, or live. After that you just update your site periodically. It seems you aren't necessary to spend a lot of time to update your site. You just need to use small time in a week then let the website work for you.
But you are wrong! The right opinion is you must working to gain your success.
To gain success with Google Adsense, your website must have many visitor. To get more visitor or make people know about your website so you must advertise your website. To advertise so you must spend your money.
There are no real free advertising, include submit your website into google, yahoo, or live. You must spend your money to pay internet connection. It's really free if someone pay your internet connection.
To improve your site and earn more visitor you can buy some service like adwords. To do this you must spend your money too.
Besides that you must learn your site some case like:
- How long your site loading. People don't like to waste time to wait for site finish loading.
- Which adsense (or affiliates) that be liked by your visitor.
- What is the popular content on your site
- Where is your visitor come from
- What function you think will make people visit your site.
- etc
After learn some case you can make your website better than the old one. So many visitor will come to your site. You can buy some useful tools to analize your website.
So the right opinion is you can't gain success with adsense just by spend litlle money and time.
11:09 PM
Posted by